Cookie policy

Cookie Policy


On this website we only use a minimal number of cookies to facilitate the performance of the site. 

Cookies allow you to memorise internet sessions and facilitate the browsing on the site. A cookie is a file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a web browser and is stored by the browser. The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server.

On this website we only use Essential Cookies, without which the site cannot function properly. We have switched off and do not process Statistical Cookies that some companies use to understand how visitors use their website.

Further information on cookies

Most browsers accept cookies. Certain browsers offer to delete them after each visit. You can set your computer to accept or reject cookies at any time. For this purpose, you may go to the ‘Help’ menu of your browser, which will tell you how to reject new cookies or get a message informing you of their receipt or how to disable all cookies. Further information on how to set the Cookies can be found on the following websites:

Internet Explorer™ browser:
Click here

Safari™ browser:
Click here

Chrome™ browser:
Click here

Firefox™ browser:
Click here

Opera™ browser:
Click here